
Please feel free to send us your CV even if you don't meet all the requirements. Colleagues who master these technologies are always happy to advise and help you.

You are not alone at ApiTree.

We are looking for

Site Reliability Engineer

  • Prague
  • SRE

For our newly established IT HUB, we are looking for a Site Reliability Engineer who will deliver solutions for our international client. You will help develop an internal talent management platform that is transforming the HR tech industry.🤝

More about position

Senior DevOps Engineer

  • Prague
  • DevOps

For our newly established IT HUB, we are looking for a DevOps Engineer who will deliver solutions for our international client. You will help develop an internal talent management platform that is transforming the HR tech industry.

More about position

Security Analyst pro monitoring v cloudových službách🛡️🔐

  • Prague
  • Security

Pro aktivitu zaměřenou na nastavení pravidel a use case v oblasti bezpečnostního monitoringu hledáme zkušeného bezpečnostního analytika. Tato role bude klíčová pro definici scénářů a návrh pravidel pro monitorování cloudových služeb, zejména v prostředí MS Azure, M365, AWS a SaaS.

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Test Engineer pro oblast bankovnictví

  • Prague
  • Testing

Hledáme Test Engineera! Chceš být strážcem kvality v bankovnictví? 🛡️ Tvou misí bude udržovat a posouvat kvalitu aplikací na další level. 💻 Čeká tě kombinace automatizovaného i manuálního testování, testování jak BE, tak FE. Pokud tě baví hledat chyby tam, kde je nikdo nevidí, a přispívat k tomu, aby aplikace fungovaly perfektně, jsi náš člověk! 🙌 Přidej se k nám a pomoz nám tvořit moderní a spolehlivé bankovní aplikace.

More about position

Java Developer

  • Prague
  • Development

We're currently looking for a Java Developer with knowledge of front-end technologies (Kotlin, React, Angular, TypeScript), or at least a strong willingness to learn!

More about position

Didn't find your profession here, but would you like to work with us? Contact us in any form and we will be happy to discuss the options with you.

Reasons to work together

We are a TEAM

We are a TEAM

We work individually, but at key moments, we come together and function as one. This cohesion helps us overcome challenges and achieve common goals.

Flexible working hours

Flexible working hours

Everyone has their own pace and working style. We adapt to help you reach your full potential and ensure that work aligns with your needs.



We offer home office options, 3 sick days, and an extra vacation day each year. Multisport card, self-development, and beverages with a coffee machine in the office with a beautiful view.

Any idea is a good one

Any idea is a good one

At ApiTree, we have a friendly atmosphere where we support each other and value all ideas. We listen to one another and believe in each person’s potential.

Employment / Contract

Employment / Contract

Whether you prefer a full-time contract, a contractor agreement, or a part-time job, you always have the option to choose with us. We will adjust to your needs and preferences.

Company events

Company events

At ApiTree, we've enjoyed company barbecues, charity runs for TeriBear, golf parties, and Halloween parties. Many more experiences await us.

Our Team

Quality people in the team, but also a healthy culture, meeting and spending pleasant time together is for us proof of a well-functioning company that is a joy to be a part of.

Let's talk about you

Whether you are looking for a supplier for your new software or want to be part of the team, leave us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

HR department direct contact:

ApiTree s.r.o.

Francouzská 75/4, Praha 2 Vinohrady, 120 00

ApiTree s.r.o. is registered in the Commercial Register at the Municipal Court in Prague, under file no. C 279944

ID: 06308643
VAT: CZ06308643

Bank information

Česká spořitelna
Account number: 4885827379/0800
IBAN: CZ21 0800 0000 0048 8582 7379
Account number: 340250698/0300
IBAN: CZ31 0300 0000 0003 4025 0698
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