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ApiTree Academy

In September 2022, we started a new training programme called ApiTree Academy which focuses on developing the skills of beginner developers in information technology. It offers hands-on courses focused on programming, web development and modern technologies such as JavaScript, React and Node.js. Participants have the opportunity to work on real projects under guidance of experienced mentors.

ApiTree Academy


ApiTree Academy is an innovative educational initiative created to support and develop future talent in the field of information technology. Aiming to provide a comprehensive and practically oriented education, the academy offers programs focused on key technologies and skills that are currently highly valued in the job market.

Courses include, among others, programming in JavaScript, web development using React, and backend technologies such as Node.js. Students not only learn technical skills but also develop teamwork and project management abilities through working on real projects.

With experienced mentors and industry professionals, participants have the opportunity to gain valuable know-how and experience a work environment that realistically reflects the modern dynamics of the IT sector. ApiTree Academy also focuses on the continuous improvement of its educational program and adapts to current trends and market needs, ensuring that graduates are always well-prepared for the challenges their professional careers present.

With this combination of theoretical education and practical experience, ApiTree Academy becomes the ideal starting point for anyone looking for a successful start in the field of IT.


  1. Adapting Educational Content: With constantly changing technologies and trends in the IT field, it is challenging to regularly update and adapt educational programs to reflect current market needs and the skills that employers are looking for.

  2. Maintaining a High Level of Teaching Quality: Ensuring that trainers and mentors are always experts in their fields and capable teachers presents a challenge in selecting and retaining qualified instructors.

  3. Motivating and Engaging Students: Creating a dynamic and motivating educational environment that encourages active student participation is crucial for their success. It is important to find ways to maintain the interest and engagement of participants throughout the program.

  4. Providing Practical Experience: Maintaining a balance between theoretical education and practical experience is key. It is challenging to ensure that students have the opportunity to work on real projects that reflect the current work environment in IT.

  5. Building a Strong Alumni Community: Building a network of successful alumni who can share their experiences and support each other is essential for the long-term success of the academy and its students.

  6. Diversity and Inclusion: Ensuring a diverse and inclusive environment that welcomes students from different backgrounds and levels of experience presents a challenge in recruiting and providing equal access to education.

  7. Ensuring Employment Opportunities: Helping students secure job opportunities after graduating from the academy is a key goal. ApiTree actively strives to provide graduates with employment within the company, which includes creating internal programs for professional development and integrating new talents into the team.


  1. Regular Curriculum Updates: To ensure that our educational programs align with current market trends, we regularly review the course content.

  2. Selection of Qualified Instructors: To maintain a high standard of teaching quality, we emphasize the careful selection of trainers with practical experience and knowledge. We focus on ensuring that our mentors are not only experts in their fields but also capable of effectively communicating and inspiring students.

  3. Interactive and Dynamic Teaching Methods: We create an interactive learning environment using various methods, such as team projects, hackathons, and practical exercises. This ensures that students are more engaged and motivated to actively participate in the learning process.

  4. Collaboration on Real Projects: At ApiTree, students have the opportunity to work on real projects, allowing them to gain valuable hands-on experience. Through these projects, students can apply their learned skills directly in practice and gain a deeper understanding of the development process in a real-world work environment. Regular workshops and mentoring by experts further support their professional growth and prepare them for their future careers.

  5. Employment Opportunities Within ApiTree: At ApiTree, we offer students the opportunity to gain employment directly within our company. Thanks to close cooperation with our internal teams and the availability of mentoring programs, students can easily integrate into real work projects at ApiTree after completing the academy. We also organize professional development consultations that increase their chances of successful placement and growth within our company.

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ApiTree s.r.o.

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