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Distribution portal

Complete creation of a new distribution portal for E.ON Česká republika s.r.o. It is primarily intended to serve merchants and hundreds of applications of various types flow through it every day. Part of several years of development is also OpenAPI, which provides data to mobile or web applications. We have also prepared a full-fledged mobile application "Consumption under Thumb", which is technically based on the desktop solution and replacing the original mobile solution.

Distribution portal


ApiTree s.r.o. developed a complete new distribution portal for E.ON Czech Republic, focusing on the efficient service of customers in the energy sector. This portal manages hundreds of different types of requests daily, ensuring fast and seamless communication between traders, municipalities, end customers, and the service provider.

The project emphasized a user-friendly interface and responsive design, optimizing the portal's accessibility on various devices. The multi-year development included the implementation of OpenAPI, providing a robust and secure way to access data used by other applications. This system facilitates integration with other business applications, thereby supporting the overall efficiency and flexibility of the services provided by E.ON.

Thanks to thousands of hours of experience by the ApiTree team and a deep understanding of the technological and business needs of the client, a comprehensive solution was created that meets both current and future requirements for digitalization and process automation in the energy sector.


  1. Integration with Existing Systems: The challenge was to effectively integrate the new distribution portal with E.ON's existing systems, which involved ensuring seamless data transfer and synchronization of processes without disrupting existing services.

  2. Deployment of OpenAPI: Implementing OpenAPI presented a technical challenge, as it was necessary to create a secure and robust interface that would allow various applications to communicate with the portal. A key task was to ensure data security when sharing between systems.

  3. User Interface and UX Design: Designing an intuitive and user-friendly interface that would meet the needs of traders with varying levels of technical skills was crucial. UX testing was necessary to ensure that the portal met user expectations and facilitated their work.

  4. Handling a Large Volume of Requests: The portal needed to be designed to handle hundreds of requests daily without delays or technical issues. This required thorough performance and scalability testing to prevent unnecessary downtime.

  5. Ensuring Security and Compliance: It was important to ensure that the portal met all regulatory requirements and data security standards, which included implementing appropriate encryption techniques, regular audits, and GDPR compliance.

  6. Change in Workflows: Training traders on new workflows and the use of the portal presented an organizational challenge. Supporting them and ensuring a smooth transition to the new system required both technical and psychological preparation.

  7. Agile Development and Team Collaboration: Coordination between various teams, including development, design, and testing, was key to the successful delivery of the project within the set timeframe. Effective communication and collaboration were essential to managing all these aspects.

These challenges contributed to the overall success of the project and allowed ApiTree to deepen its knowledge and technical expertise in developing complex IT solutions.


These strategic approaches and solutions contributed to the successful development of the distribution portal for E.ON, which now serves as a powerful tool for servicing traders, municipalities, and end customers, ensuring efficient processes in the energy sector. Thanks to the trust of E.ON, we have secured contracts for projects like the independent portal "Consumption Under Control," the development of a mobile application, and other standalone forms for more efficient communication with customers.

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ApiTree s.r.o.

Francouzská 75/4, Praha 2 Vinohrady, 120 00

ApiTree s.r.o. is registered in the Commercial Register at the Municipal Court in Prague, under file no. C 279944

ID: 06308643
VAT: CZ06308643

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Česká spořitelna
Account number: 4885827379/0800
IBAN: CZ21 0800 0000 0048 8582 7379
Account number: 340250698/0300
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