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TYR is an in-house company management system developed by ApiTree s.r.o. The system was designed to unify and streamline the management of various business processes, including orders, invoicing, opportunities, project management, HR, and banking integrations. TYR provides comprehensive tools to enhance efficiency and facilitate administrative tasks, enabling companies to better manage their resources and operations. ApiTree plans to eventually develop this system into a full-fledged product available on the market.



The TYR system, developed by ApiTree s.r.o., represents a comprehensive solution for efficient management of business processes. Designed to unify and optimize the management of various business functions, TYR integrates key areas of business such as orders, invoicing, opportunity management, project management, HR, and banking integration into a single cohesive system.

Key Features:

  1. Orders and Invoicing: The system enables efficient management of order processes and invoicing, facilitating the tracking and management of financial flows.

  2. Opportunity Management: It allows for tracking business opportunities and contributes to the effective management of sales channels from the first contact to closing the deal.

  3. Project Management: TYR provides tools for planning, tracking, and managing projects, enabling teams to achieve their goals more efficiently and with better coordination.

  4. HR Functions: The system includes modules for human resources management that simplify recruitment, employee performance tracking, and other HR-related administrative tasks.

  5. Banking Integration: TYR allows for effective integration with banking systems, simplifying financial operations and financial management.

Development and Future:

ApiTree s.r.o. is actively developing the TYR system with consideration of user needs and feedback to ensure the solution is not only robust but also adaptable to various types of businesses. With its modular structure and the use of modern technological tools, TYR is designed to be easily scalable and customizable.

Future Plans:

ApiTree plans to evolve the TYR system into a product available on the broader market. This move will allow more companies to benefit from centralized process management, increasing their efficiency and competitiveness. The development of the TYR system demonstrates ApiTree's commitment to providing innovative and practical solutions that help businesses effectively manage their operations and achieve their business goals.


  1. Comprehensive Process Integration: One of the biggest challenges was unifying a wide range of business processes into a single cohesive system. This required detailed analysis and understanding of the diverse needs of companies to ensure that all key functions were effectively integrated and interconnected.

  2. User-Friendliness: Designing an intuitive user interface that allows easy operation of a complex system was essential for ensuring widespread user adoption. It was necessary to conduct iterative rounds of design and user testing to ensure the system's user-friendliness and usability.

  3. Data Security: Given the sensitivity of financial, business, and HR data, implementing robust security measures was crucial. This included data encryption, strong user authentication, and regular security audits to ensure the protection of confidential information from unauthorized access.

  4. Scalability and Performance: Ensuring that the TYR system can effectively grow with the expanding needs of businesses was technically challenging. The technology design had to ensure that the system remains performant and responsive even under high user and data loads.

  5. Compatibility with Existing Systems: It was important for the TYR system to be seamlessly integrated with companies' existing systems, such as ERP, CRM, and other specialized applications. This required extensive work with APIs and ensuring compatibility across different technological platforms.

  6. Customizability and Modularity: Developing a system that is flexible and adaptable to various business needs required a modular approach. The system needed to be designed so that it could be easily modified and tailored to the specific requirements of different customers.

  7. User Training and Support: Ensuring effective training and continuous support for system users was key to ensuring their satisfaction and successful system adoption. The team had to prepare comprehensive training programs and provide real-time support availability.


Implementing these solutions allowed ApiTree to successfully overcome challenges and create an effective, reliable, and user-friendly TYR system that significantly improves business process management for companies and contributes to their overall productivity and success.

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ApiTree s.r.o.

Francouzská 75/4, Praha 2 Vinohrady, 120 00

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ID: 06308643
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Česká spořitelna
Account number: 4885827379/0800
IBAN: CZ21 0800 0000 0048 8582 7379
Account number: 340250698/0300
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